So here it is...
I worked a long time on this, in case you're wondering. But not really. I was watching Entertainment Now, and saw that it's what Bradley Cooper did to get into character for a movie. And look how fine HE turned out!
It goes on a weekly basis, starting out quite easy, then getting harder, before reverting back to easy. As time goes on (I'm starting this thing next week to take full advantage), you will be able to, instead of doing the said amount, keep going until you feel you might roll over and die. Or worse - roll over and crush someone else with your well chiseled body.
-Start the day with getting out of bed and doing 10 push-ups.
-Next, lie on your stomach on a flat, even surface. Raise your entire body on your forearms, placing them directly in front of you and parallel to each other. Raise yourself with your toes also. Hold this position for as long as you can, and then a bit longer. It is imperative you keep going until you almost explode. I will call this, hold.
-Unless you live on the other side of a harbour, there is no reason to drive anywhere. WALK your fat ass around.
-Before going to bed, do the hold until you can no longer stand it.
-10 push-ups, and then maybe a shower. Only if you prefer to be clean...
-15 press-ups
-Evening run for 10 minutes. Do NOT slow down. Keep up a fast pace and breathe deeply into your back/most likely underfilled lungs. Be sure to stretch before running and after.
-Hold before bed
-15 press-ups before bed.
-Shower (I think this should be compulsory as well.
-20 press-ups
-Hold. This time, add some press-ups, lowering one side of your body to the ground, holding the other up and stopping the lowered side from touching the ground with your abdominals. Hold this for about 10 seconds on each side, or until it hurts.
- Evening run. Another 10 minutes - short bursts of exercise increase lung capacity.
-Hold + press-ups
-20 press-ups
-20 Press-ups
-Hold + press-ups
-Evening run for 20 minutes (5 minutes running fast, 5 mins regaining and walking briskly, 5 mins running fast, then remaining 5 mins to warm down. Again, remember to stretch.
-Hold + press-ups
-20 Press-ups
-15 press-ups
-Evening run goes for 20 minutes again
-15 press-ups
-10 press-ups
-Run for 10 minutes
-10 press-ups
-10 Press-ups
-No run
-No hold
-10 press-ups
You can change it to however you want it to be, but this is what I'm going to stick to.
I want to look like Bradley Cooper
That's all for now, kids
Josh xxx
Loving the adoption of Bradley's 'short bursts of exercise' thingy. But I think he was just using it as an excuse to be lazy, so beware...xoxo