Alright. Here goes my fatty food existence, straight into the bin, just like the entire contents of my fridge after leaving it for three weeks. Eww.
Turns out I already hate this diet. Vanity is such a hassel! It sucks even more seeing as I've lost my little compact mirror, which is extremely useful for the average vain boy. But I digress. It seems that I've already started our little diet without even realising. Because I have a fully fledged vegeterian staying with me, last night's meal was an extreme health buzz. Score one for Josh, a maori (personal joke...)
Day 1: 75.8kg
Shopping trolley: pumpkin, leeks, beans, tomatoes, lentils, carrots, chillies, wholemeal bread, olivite. Fresh fruit = nill... Plus lots and lots of water!
So dinner consisted of lots of these vegetables cut up and cooked together in a big pot. Unfortunately I don't have wholemeal rice yet, so once I use the last of my white stuff (I'm not a supremisist) it's wholemeal all the way. And as soon as someone tells me the difference between wholemeal pasta and non - it looks the same to me! - then I can acquire some.
As for exercise, has anyone ever walked up Wellington hills to Vic Uni four times a day?! I haven't, but I'll probably start running soon. But, as Brad tells us, in short busrts. SO, I'll start the day off with stomach exercises. Not too many sit ups, but that one where I hold my body up on my forearms. You know what I'm talking about.
I'll write up a big exercise plan and post it. More chance of me actually doing it.
The biggest problem is finding out drinking limits. In my mind, beer is disgusting so I don't need to worry about that giving me a gut. And wine is just squeezed grapes. All sweet? I think so.
That's all for now.
Josh xx
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