Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 3: The Twilight Saga - Eclipse

Day 3: 75.5kg

I went with my friend Bella to watch the new Twilight movie tonight, slightly depressed now because I had to stare at bloody Jacob (aka Taylor Lautner) with his perfect abs all night, shoving my mouth with popcorn...

I had the second half of that grapefruit for breakfast, along with a small bowl of homemade muesli, which was absolutely DELICIOUS! Will be posting that recipe soon, too. Dash of milk and a plop of yoghurt - actually it 'plop' doesn't sound altogether appetising, does it? - and voila, sorted.

Lunch was of the same as yesterday, I had cooked it the night before so I was very much prepared! I actually only spent like 2 hours at University anyway, came home and plopped on the couch. Rainy day, blah blah.

My flatmate did make this FANTASTIC Chai Latte while I was munching on my Granny Smith:

Recipe - Chai Latte
2 x Tea Bags
1 x Cinnamon Stick
4 x Cardamom Seeds
4 x Cloves
1 tsp Ginger
1 tbsp Sugar
1 cup water
1/2 cup trim milk

Everything goes in minus milk on the stove for 10 minutes or so, the milk needs to be heated and frothed. Pour mixture over a strainer into a large mug, top with milk, including lots of foam. Sprinkle with some ground cinnamon.

However that didn't satisfy my cravings (Oh no, KFC- get out of my head!), so I had a little more muesli, that homemade shit is ingenious.

Dinner was entirely me though- Chicken Fried Rice. Oooh yeah. Take that, Uncle Chang's. (PS its a restaurant, not my actual uncs.)

Recipe: Chicken Fried Rice
120g chicken -cut into strips, marinade with whatever.
1 cup of the contents of your vege stash, chopped
2 eggs
1 cup brown rice (cooked)

Stirfry the chicken in a very hot pan, then place it on a plate to rest. Same with eggs, then the veges along with some crushed garlic. Stirfry the rice, then return all the ingredients to the pan and mix. Add some salt and pepper to taste, chili powder if desired (for that extra fat burning quality!)

Thats whats for lunch tomorrow too, kids.

So post-dinner. As I said before I went to watch a very depressing movie about how inadequate my body is. Munching on popcorn and diet coke, so not too bad. I did have the restraint to say no to Self saucing chocolate pudding when I got home, WIN!

The exercise regime looks so fantastic, J. I shall start it on Monday too. Partially cos I am really lazy and it means 3 more days to recuperate! I am hopefully going for a small run tomorrow with Andrew. Taylor Lautner bod, here I come!

xoxo Jeffrey

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