Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Saturday Scare!

Holy smudges I feel like I'm becoming a fitness retard! When I woke up this morning and tried to roll over, there was pain in EVERY part of my body. It even hurts to sneeze! Why am I tormenting myself with so many crunches and planks?! Simply because I need to.

Last night's dinner was the anticipated rice dish, however there weren't any veges (I couldn't find any in my fridge!), and the chicken was replaced with salmon - Sealord flavoured salmon on sale at your nearest New World Metro! So all healthy in that department. I even averted my attention from snacking on cheese and crackers that seem to glare at me every time I mince past the kitchen. The cupboard and fridge aren't even open, yet still I feel their cheesy/crackery, tempting gaze upon my little paunch. Ignored that shit - Booyah.

Breakfast this morning was poached eggs on wholegrain toast - NO BUTTER! Sprouts etc. etc. Great start to the day! Headed off to Andy's Mojo to show off my new haircut (pretty outrageous for me...) and to grab a Long Black - NO SUGAR! Unfortunately one of his customers bought him a big bag of M&Ms, of which I ashamedly had two... Became a bit worse when I was going to be late for a date with Eve, so caught the cable car up to uni. Eek! A cup of tea followed at Wishbone (I'll forgive the mixup of Earl Grey for English Breakfast because the girl was new), but no food, as tempting as it was, sitting next to the display cabinet and all...

Two corn thins, and the aroma of Bridget's hot chips from the Quad Kiosk for lunch, and the planning of a great afternoon! Andy and I are going to catch the bus to the zoo, then do a MASSIVE walk around Wellington. It's going to be so much fun! Ooops, sorry Bruce, missed our vocal coaching session...

Then I'm going to have some wholemeal spaghetti pasta with mince, before doing my usual crunches and planks. Kill me now...

As for the title, Saturday is Emma's 21st. Fuck. It's going to be a delicious dinner at her house and a ridiculous amount of booze. I'm getting scared already! I'm thinking that I'll only eat a little of each, and no dessert. As for alcohol, I'm told that there's going to be vodka, so vodka and soda water. Definitely with citrus for some taste, but you get the drift. No carbs!

That's all for now, I'm going to go ahead and get ready for my massive walkey walk. EXCITING!

Keep up the good eating, y'all!

Josh xxx

1 comment:

  1. Um, the title of this is now irrelevant because you WEREN'T THERE. Fail fail. xx
